The first group of PH
volunteers loaded up early in the morning and were headed back to Nairobi,
their work was done! Four of us stayed behind, we had signed up for both weeks
of work on the island. Week 2 was the medical week, so Mame Fancett remained
along with my husband Mac and Len (Leo Trey Fetch) Len had decided during the first
week to extend and stay over to help, we were glad, he made us laugh, a
Mayor Mike and Chris, one of the other young
men who had been helping out that week joined us. There was another couple
staying at the lodge that joined us for the ride. We had 2 row boats meet us.
Mac, Len, Mayor Mike and I hopped in one while Mame , Chris and the other couple jumped into the
second boat. We headed out towards the
island, about 15 minutes into the ride I noticed the boat taking on water, so
we were given plastic buckets to empty water out with, the other boat had to do
the same… the crew didn’t seem worried. When we got to the island we followed
it around counter clock wise to the opposite side, noticing different kinds of
birds along the way, about half way we started noticing pairs of eagles, lots
of pairs of eagles! It was amazing! We stopped halfway
so the crew could get breakfast.
Birds were everywhere
A panoramic view off the front of our boat
There wasn’t much to see
other than the boats that were anchored on the shore, the islanders probably
had a bigger kick at looking at the strange white people. The crew got something to eat while we visited and looked around.
We loaded back onto the boats and continued
the rest of the way around the island. It must have been bath day that day, we
got a chuckle out of the bare bottoms of the little kids we saw diving under
the water and playing, while their mothers washed dishes at the shore. You read
that correctly, they bathe, wash and consume water from the same source, Lake
Victoria! Clean water is on on-going
problem on the island.
Taking a snack break on the island
Bath day!
Once we
had made full circle around the island our guys decide that it would be fun if
they rowed and raced the other boat back to shore, the original crew agreed and
sat backed and rested laughing as our men rowed us home! It didn’t last too
long and the crew took back over, not that Len and Mac were doing a poor job,
matter of fact they were in the lead, I don’t think they wanted anyone on shore
to see the white men rowing!
Making it back to shore
returning we got another set of Piky Pikys and took them around the entire
perimeter of the island, it was neat seeing more than just the one road we had
been on that week back and forth from Kibisom to the hotel. The island is small and even in the poverty that exists there, it is beautiful.
When we finished for the day
we headed back to the hotel to prepare for the new group of volunteers that
would be arriving late that night. I had to make room assignments, and because
of the size of the group Len had to move to another compound down the road.
made the room assignments and placed their supplies in their rooms, and created
a welcome sign for week 2. We packed Len up and journeyed over to the other
hotel about 1/2 mile away to get him checked in, then came back for dinner.
Taking Len to his new home
Our artwork to help welcome week 2 and us goofing around
The group got in late that
night, we didn’t really have time to meet any of them other than JW and Sarah
Alexander, the other couple from San Angelo (our home), before heading to bed,
tomorrow would be a busy day with new adventures!
Darren arriving with Week 2
Have you ever wanted to live
outside the box? Do you have the desire to travel to Africa? Do you have the drive to help those less fortunate than yourself? If you said yes to 2 or more of these
questions you should join Project Humanity on one of our upcoming trips! To volunteer with Project Humanity email me at or go to our website and sign up for a trip, you won’t regret it!